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  • Duty Called...

    I have been playing Call of Duty lately.

    Hace unos días empecé jugando Call of Duty, seguido por el United Offensive (durante fiestas patrias), ahora me encuentro a la mitad de Call of Duty 2, y tan pronto termine seguiré con Call of Duty 4.

    Luego veré si juego un poco del CoD4 en multiplayer en algún server. Debería intentarlo con el nuevo server en Sotanoonline, pero suelo encontrarlo vacío...


  • Playing recently...

    Luego de acabar la campaña de UT3, estuve jugando un viejo juego "The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of The Rose Tattoo" y luego de ese estuve jugando "Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One"...

     Ahora me encuentro jugando la campaña de Call of Duty...



  • Finished UT3

    Mi nueva PC ha estado funcionando bastante bien en estos días. Finalmente he podido jugar algunos juegos que había dejado en hiatus y finalmente he terminado Half Life 2: Episode Two y Unreal Tournament 3.

    Ahora me toca pensar que nuevo juego quiero empezar...



  • Kensington Drivers...

    So, as I have said before, finally I have replaced my primary computer and now I'm using Windows Vista x64 on it.

    This is a Bloutooth USB Adapter from Kensington. (K33085)


    I remember I bought it on September 2004 when I was in Virginia. It is still working, however it won't work on my new PC.

    There is nothing wrong with it, it is just Kensington that refuses to make a driver for Windows Vista.

    They won't make a driver, they won't open source the driver, they just want me to buy their new model.

    I would understand that if Microsoft made a new, totally different Operating System every year, it may be difficult for Kensington to provide support and drivers for their products continuously. But this is not the case. And Windows Vista was released at the beginning of 2007, that means they drop support for the device before it was 3 years old.

    So, today I had to buy a new Bluetooth USB Adapter, obviously it wasn't Kensington, it was D-Link. (And I won't buy anything Kensington anymore, and I wouldn't recommend the brand to anyone either). This new Adapter is the D-Link DBT-122, in its box it didn't say anything about working on Windows Vista (as it was manufactured on 2006), however as soon as I plugged it on my computer the driver was downloaded automatically from Windows Update, just the way things should be.

    And I think Microsoft should get rid of companies like Kensington, not allowing them to put the "Certified for Windows" logo on their products, and not WHQL certifying their drivers anymore. Since probably they won't work on Macintosh either and nobody using Linux would buy anything from them since their drivers are not Open Source, they would just have to get out of the business, or limit themselves to make their cable locks that I have read could be opened with a pen and some toilet paper.


  • New PC...

    And so it begins...

    Finalmente ya tengo instalada "looneybonetrail" reemplazando el lugar que por más de 5 años ocupó whisgrancermon/tleritenewogal.

    El 12 de Junio finalmente fui a la oficina de aduanas donde logré contactarme con gente muy eficiente que me ayudaron a solucionar todos los inconvenientes y pude retirar mi computadora del almacén ese mismo día. Muchas gracias a todas la personas que me ayudaron en este (como precognicitivamente lmchv llamó), periplo.

    Lo único que faltó retirar fue el modem TrendNET, el cual espero poder solucionar pronto, de todas formas es un Item que no pensaba utilizar mucho, sino para envíar algún que otro eventual Fax cuando fuese necesario.

    El mismo 12 de Junio comencé a armarla, tuve que detenerme cuando me era tarde y aún no podía ponerle el disipador.

    El 13 de Junio seguí armándola, el día 14 fui a comprar un nuevo estabilizador y teclado. Para el día 15 ya la había prendido por primera vez.

    Aparentemente hay un problema de con disco duro porque constantemente pierde la configuración del Array, ya me ha fallado 4 veces y ya le he abierto un caso de RMA a Western Digital. Aún así le pienso dar una última oportunidad.

    Finalmente el día de ayer, 24 (la semana pasada estuve un poco ocupado entre cumpleaños e idas al cine) fue que hice el cambio de posición.

    Los próximos días serán de instalación de programas poco a poco...

    lmchv me pidió el puntaje en el 3DMark Vantage, el domingo lo publiqué en Bloodzone...

    Bueno, ahora tendré que decidir que juego empezaré... aunque por estos últimos días he estado probando el Pseudoquest...


  • Morrowind... and so it ends.

    After a lot of time (more than 300 hours according to xfire, however there were times I paused the game and left it running while I was doing something else), and probably more than 6 months of playing, mostly weekends, I finished the 3 main quests of Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon. There are still some quests and a lot of exploration to do, but I considered that I have officially finished the game...

    Bueno, ha sido un juego muuuuy largo pero finalmente ya lo puedo considerar acabado. Supongo que de vez en cuando entraré para hacer alguno o otro quest que han quedado por ahí, pero por el momento ya pasaré a jugar oficialmente otra cosa. Espero que mi computadora nueva que está retenida por la Aduana del Perú por más de 2 meses pueda ser liberada ya pronto. Ese será mi nuevo Quest por el momento.

    También ya tengo un nuevo Nokia N95 8GB (95-4), y también ya he estado jugando juegos del nuevo N-Gage. Por el momento Brain Challenge, en el cual la semana pasada ya llegué a los 1000 puntos en Achievements, y también Snakes Subsonic y Tetris.


    En fin... Espero mi computadora nueva pronto...

     *** Waiting for my PC to be released from Customs soon ***


  • ... pasado el tiempo.

    Y hace tiempo que no escribo nada.

    En realidad más que nada, esperando el tiempo de poder armar mi computadora cuyas piezas siguen en la aduana.

    Y durante este tiempo siento mi vieja PC cada vez más lenta, y sólo me he sentido con ánimos de jugar viejas aventuras gráficas, que no jugué años atrás...

    como Dark Seed, Dark Seed II y I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

    Pero mi PC aún no llega, y quizás deba seguir jugando Morrowind que lo he abandonado como un mes.

    También me enteré que eliminaron a "The Oracle" en "The Matrix Online". Y la saga continúa.

    En estos días  también me he dedicado a la lectura, habiendo terminado de leer "The Forge of Virtue" y "The Temper of Wisdom", el día de ayer he empezado a leer "A Game of Thrones".

    Y eso es todo por este mes.


  • ... and why I started to hate Google.

    Well, on my previous post I was writing about missing options on Windows Vista (that are still missing after Service Pack 1)

    However some things that are removed are not necessarily a decision from Microsoft.

    This is the new Start Menu in Windows Vista after Service Pack 1:

    Is there something missing? Yes! Search is missing.

    And that is missing because Google made them to.

    Almost everybody knows about Microsoft sins and how they are paying their mistakes now, but this has gone to far. So what's next? Is Casio going to make them remove the clock on the tray bar because they are monopolizing time?

    On the oldest version of Windows I can remember (1993), File Manager had a search function to look for files, right there, under the File menu. 


    Then, when they released Windows 95 and changed the shell to Windows Explorer, the Start Menu always had a "Find" option between Help and Settings. (Windows 95, NT4, 98, 2000, Me). On Windows XP they redesigned the Start Menu, relocated and renamed "Find" back to "Search" as it was on File Manager.

    But now Google who believes they can think for me, and protect me, forced Microsoft to remove "Search" from the Start Menu, and I will have to rely on keyboard shortcuts to do something I already automatically expect to find on the Start Menu.

    So, thank you Google for protecting me, and crippling the Operationg System I use! (They even said that the changes were not enough)

    You know what? You stopped being a nice company. It seems you forgot how to "Not be Evil". And suddenly I feel like I don't like to search the web using Google any more. It would be difficult... Probably I'll have to redirect on my hosts file to avoid temptation. (And in fact, I already did) and since I was already there, I did the same with all the sites. (Fortunately I did it before you forced Microsoft to remove Notepad from Windows, too).

    I really regret it was you who bought Dejanews and Youtube.

    Soon I will also be closing my gmail account.

    Bye Google!.

  • Vista Service Pack 1...

    Finally I was able to check Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

    I was disappointed to see that Computer Management is still crippled.

    It may look normal, but there is something missing...

    Yes. Properties are missing.

    And while it seems that is not a big deal, this option allowed to make several changes on remote computers.

    (Similar screens appear as Advanced System Settings, but these only work on the local computer)

    First, it was an option to check amount of memory and speed without running msinfo


    Then, it allowed you to change the computer description of the PC


    However it seems that Microsoft lost interest on this attribute, as the new Network Browser no longer even shows this value exist. It seems that Microsoft only cares now for the Computer Description that is stored on Active Directory, however it could be an excellent idea if these both values were synchronized as soon as a computer joined a domain... (HINT!!!)

    Then, there were the options to change the computer performance options and pagefile size:


    The way to change the system and user environment variables of that computer including any user that may have been logged on there:

    Start up options and dump file location:

    And a nice way to reboot or logoff the remote computer:


    All these options are now gone with Windows Vista. It seems that in order to avoid security problems they removed some options that weren't audited or documented, but that doesn't mean that there weren't users that were using those options... And may want them back.

    I contacted Microsoft Support and I was told that "my advices were already forwarded to their Product Team". Maybe that is a new way to say "You already paid, we have your money, we don't care". At least that is what it seems now. I hope they would eventually restore this.

    However, I'm not mad with Microsoft as I'm with Google right now, and I will write about that on my next post.

  • Soy Nerevarine...

    Tres casas me han nombrado Hortator, cuatro tribus me han llamado Nerevarine...

    Lord Vivec ha retirado la persecución al Nerevarine...  

    Estoy cerca de acabar el juego, quizás sea hora de visitar  Mournhold...




  • Finally finished System Shock...

    About five months ago, I decided to fill that void on my gamer's life of never having played a "System Shock" game

    Finally today, I was able to complete that task. (Or probably the first half of the task)

     System Shock Contratulations

    I read an article this week of how the good narrative of an old game could make you forget about its dated graphics.

    Usually I play a lot of old games, and don't care for their graphics... but with this game, I didn't really need to "don't care" about that. I was so immersed in the story (Even if I just played a few minutes once in a while), that in my memory, the corridors of the Citadel Station, the mutants, the cyborgs, everything will have the same detail as real life.

    That article was so right...

    (The Article:

  • 2008 semana 6...

    Acabó el capítulo 9.2 de The Matrix Online, y en muy poco tiempo acabará el capítulo 9.

    ¿Qué sorpresas tendrán preparadas para el futuro?

    Personalmente las últimos palabras del Intruso han motivado mi curiosidad ¿que rayos estará buscando?


    No sólo acabé "Death on the Nile", sino que ya compré "Peril at End House" también de Oberon Media... parece que esos jueguitos simplones de buscar objetos escondidos me han llamado la atención...


    Y ¿System Shock? En el nivel 8...

    Y ¿Morrowind?, pues bien gracias...


  • El tiempo vuela cuando uno se divierte...

    Que rápido se ha pasado la última semana...

    Y que largo es el juego Morrowind...

    No he avanzado casi nada de la historia, sólo he estado paseando cumpliendo algunos quests... Ahora tengo un Daedric Dai-Katana y un Daedric Longsword. Mis visitas por la zona de Ebonheart me han dado un Dragonbone Cuirass y el Lord's Mail. Y podido completar unos viejos quests... Pero vaya, si que es un juego largo...

    El System Shock es un juego lleno de momentos memorables: "Make yourself comfortable, Hacker. Stay a while". Supongo habrá sido mucho más memorable en 1995...

    Estuve jugando algunas aventuras gráficas independientes hechas en AGS, como "Cure for the Common Cold" y "Once Upon a Crime". Felicidades a sus respectivos creadores...

    Otro juego en el que estuve ayer fue "Agatha Christie: Death on the Nile", después de todo el tiempo en Morrowind, es necesario variar el género.

    No he seguido jugando los MMORPGs.. Ultima, Matrix, Tabula... es una lástima, porque igual tengo que pagar por ellos... Creo que deberían dar crédito extra por aquellos días que uno no ha podido jugar.

    Bueno, esto es todo por ahora.

    PD: Regresé a la casa de unos amigos a jugar Guitar Hero III en Wii, pero aún mantengo mis principios y no creo que yo vaya a comprar una consola. 


    1) Little advance in long sessions of Morrowind...

    2) System Shock is full of memorable moments

    3) Congratulations for the creators of "A Cure for the Common Cold" and "Once upon a Crime"

    4) "Agatha Christie: Death on the Nile" is a nice game from Oberon Games, but I should also play the ones made by The Adventure Company/AWE Games...

    5) Haven't played MMORPGs, and I think these kind of games should give extra time credit for those gamers that didn't have time to log on for a while, and keep paying.

    That's all..

  • My first post for 2008...

    ... kind of late.

    Happy new year everybody...  

    I will continue writing about what I have been playing lately... I'm still playing System Shock once in a while and I have just recently jettisoned Beta Grove, so I'm kind on the half of the game. Also a couple of weeks ago, after hearing/reading so much about Portal, I decided to start playing it already... I was a quick game which I enjoy and finally I was able to understand/recognize so many quotes that are flying on the Internet (And also spent some time singing Still Alive). It was kind of curious that I wound up playing two games in which I'm being taunted by the sexy voice of a amoral female A.I. who believes is a superior being and ultimately is trying to terminate me. (Which probably is now my new fixation...)

    Speaking about Portal, its kind of funny how a lot of "Internet People" are loving the Weighted Companion Cube,


    a cube, a simple cube... an inert, speechless cube, that just appears on level 17 and is part of some puzzles.

    I'm also still playing Morrowind, a game in which almost everybody on the Internet agreed to hate this character:

    (picture using Better Heads mod).

    Fargoth is a Bosmer you meet in Seyda Neen at the beginning of the game, who greets you, tells you about about his missing ring (which coincidentally you already found), and with this you can finish your first quest and makes him tell the local merchant to give you a discount on all of his prices. Seems like a nice guy, huh? Yet everybody finds him annoying and hate him. Why?

    I don't even know how everybody agreed to love the Companion Cube or to hate Fargoth like 6 years ago (and continue hating him)... Probably there are some secret geek meetings in which it is decided who will be the next character/thing to love and hate in forum discussions...

    I don't remember playing any MMORPG the last two weeks...

    Yesterday a couple of friends bought Guitar Hero III, and I found myself playing with them *sigh*...

    Well, I think that is all for now... 

  • Funny errors on Microsoft Press...

    I'm going to take the 70-620 exam next week, and this is the kind of errors you don't expect to find on a Microsoft Press Book.

    However Microsoft "patched" this bug in the KB article 941753

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