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Finally finished System Shock...

About five months ago, I decided to fill that void on my gamer's life of never having played a "System Shock" game

Finally today, I was able to complete that task. (Or probably the first half of the task)

 System Shock Contratulations

I read an article this week of how the good narrative of an old game could make you forget about its dated graphics.

Usually I play a lot of old games, and don't care for their graphics... but with this game, I didn't really need to "don't care" about that. I was so immersed in the story (Even if I just played a few minutes once in a while), that in my memory, the corridors of the Citadel Station, the mutants, the cyborgs, everything will have the same detail as real life.

That article was so right...

(The Article:

Published Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:17 PM by paladinsama


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