... kind of late.
Happy new year everybody...
I will continue writing about what I have been playing lately... I'm still playing System Shock once in a while and I have just recently jettisoned Beta Grove, so I'm kind on the half of the game. Also a couple of weeks ago, after hearing/reading so much about Portal, I decided to start playing it already... I was a quick game which I enjoy and finally I was able to understand/recognize so many quotes that are flying on the Internet (And also spent some time singing Still Alive). It was kind of curious that I wound up playing two games in which I'm being taunted by the sexy voice of a amoral female A.I. who believes is a superior being and ultimately is trying to terminate me. (Which probably is now my new fixation...)
Speaking about Portal, its kind of funny how a lot of "Internet People" are loving the Weighted Companion Cube,
a cube, a simple cube... an inert, speechless cube, that just appears on level 17 and is part of some puzzles.
I'm also still playing Morrowind, a game in which almost everybody on the Internet agreed to hate this character:

(picture using Better Heads mod).
Fargoth is a Bosmer you meet in Seyda Neen at the beginning of the game, who greets you, tells you about about his missing ring (which coincidentally you already found), and with this you can finish your first quest and makes him tell the local merchant to give you a discount on all of his prices. Seems like a nice guy, huh? Yet everybody finds him annoying and hate him. Why?
I don't even know how everybody agreed to love the Companion Cube or to hate Fargoth like 6 years ago (and continue hating him)... Probably there are some secret geek meetings in which it is decided who will be the next character/thing to love and hate in forum discussions...
I don't remember playing any MMORPG the last two weeks...
Yesterday a couple of friends bought Guitar Hero III, and I found myself playing with them *sigh*...
Well, I think that is all for now...