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  • Good Bye my precious Lady Cat

    It's been a while since I write about my four furballs. A lot happened since that date. We've been adapting to my new little one Miaka, and a few days after her arrival, my dear Sheeba went sick. She stopped eating by herself, and stop drinking water, I realized that she wasn't doing that for attention, after 3 days we went to the vet, ...
    Posted to The Kitty Cat cushion (Weblog) by thekittycat on May 28, 2008
  • The little furballs

    I'm going to introduce my four furballs that make my life so happy   Bandido  He is the first one, the old one, the chief of the house. His comming into our lifes was the best thing for us, he is our prince. He is a big cat, with his 7kg (more or less) he inspire respect and for our friends he is the ''chubby and lazy cat'' of the ...
    Posted to The Kitty Cat cushion (Weblog) by thekittycat on March 14, 2008
  • Los Gatos como compañeros ideales

    Hoy en día hay más personas que nunca que están optando por tener un gato de mascota. Los gatos son animales de compañía ideales para quienes viven en un departamento en la ciudad, pero pueden vivir en casas también. En muchos sentidos, el gato es la mascota ideal para la vida moderna. Es limpio, relativamente tranquilo, ocupa poco espacio, no ...
    Posted to The Kitty Cat cushion (Weblog) by thekittycat on March 14, 2008
  • How it all began...

    I've always loved the idea of having a cat, going back in time I don't know why or when I decided to love them instead of dogs. I think maybe I wanted to be original or different from the rest, but I always wanted to have a cat in my life. Unfortunately my family didn't allowed pets in the house, at least four legged pets. One time I found a ...
    Posted to The Kitty Cat cushion (Weblog) by thekittycat on March 14, 2008
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