It's been a while since I write about my four furballs.
A lot happened since that date. We've been adapting to my new little one Miaka, and a few days after her arrival, my dear Sheeba went sick. She stopped eating by herself, and stop drinking water, I realized that she wasn't doing that for attention, after 3 days we went to the vet, she was severe dehidrated, and had lost 1kg of weight. The vet had to give her fluids directly to the vein. Her health became unstable, to the point of not responding to treatment. After almost a month (3weeks and 4days) of suffering and on different treatments, I had to decide what to do in her behalf. That was the most difficult decition in my entire life. But after seeing her diminishing day by day to the point of no activity and suffering too much pain, I had to let her go. I called Guiselle her former mom to tell her my decition. At the begining she didnt understand the critical condition that Sheeba was. When she realize that she may not recover, we both cry. After doing a few last options to cure her I took her to the vet clinic. It was hard, I never forget her look and the way she go away from me.
I was always saying that I had her 2 years, but doing the maths, I hardly have her for a year. I enjoy her company and crazy sounds all time. I remember her, and miss her. I miss her sheeding, her voice, her purr, her smell, and her yelow-orange expressive eyes. I only feel better just to think that she is no longer in pain.
There are people that when their pet die or get lost, they quickly replace them with some other pet with the same characteristics even same name. For me even she was not my pet since the begining, I would never replace her, since she had a very peculiar character. She was Sheeba, my only Sheeba I will know. And for her memory I will treasure her for the rest of my life.
Still now I miss her, but now the memories are more happy. A few weeks ago Guiselle and Carlos came to visit, and I gave them part of the ashes of our beloved Sheeba. It was akward since we didnt know how to bring up the subject. Even so for us that was a special moment. I give Guiselle the few photos I had of Sheeba the last year. Now that I look at them I realised that she was happy indeed with us. That it wasnt something I did wrong, it was only her time.
I still miss u Sheeba... hope we could be together again.
I'm going to introduce my four furballs that make my life so happy
He is the first one, the old one, the chief of the house. His comming into our lifes was the best thing for us, he is our prince. He is a big cat, with his 7kg (more or less) he inspire respect and for our friends he is the "chubby and lazy cat" of the house. However they kinda like him because his cuteness. His favorite nap spot is the bed, but also like to sleep in the top of the cat tree in the living room, so he can watch above from all his domains. He is kind and very gentile, and he put order when the crazy ones are making rumble. Its a big "peluche" for me :).
Nick names: Bandi, Bandirata, Bandidin, Bebe, El principe, and many others more :P
The second son, Ranma came home after a year of having Bandi. Since our original idea was to have 2 cats, we delayed this new addition, since Bandi reject the second cat we took 3 days later he came home. It was so tiny and Bandi didnt accept him. So we waited for a while and asked Chabuca the same way with Bandi to find another kitten of 2 or 3 months. When Chabuca called me to see the new one I was afraid to see Bandi's reaction. But the vet said that sooner or later Bandi will take care of the new one. And it was true. In the begining Bandi was more jealous and resentful with us for the little one. and Ranma (back then Nala) was kinda fresh (conchudo) and sleeped with us since day one. We asked for a little female, and Ranma was supposed to be one, however after 4 months I discovered that my female was male! she had a tiny willy!!! omg!
Well after the shock we renamed him as Ranma, like the anime, since she was a he :P
Ranma is a tender, fun and loving cat, he loves to be pet, to recieve a huge amount of tummy love, and when he is so happy and in extasis he drowls!! literally he drowls of happiness. He is very mischivous as well, he give Bandi a lot to do since is kind of mastermind of naughty things. We love him a lot and he knows it :) and take advantage of that.
Nick names: Ranmi, Rataflax, Peshosho, vandalo, Periquito bandolero
The third one, the oldest and the very first official and certified female cat in the house.
Sheeba history is kinda sad for the circunstances that she came to us. She is the cat of one of Giova's friends from work. This copule (Carlos and Giselle) had a cat (Sheeba) and a dog (Dakota). They loved them a lot, and have them for almost 10 years each. The new oportunity of working abroad came to Carlos, and decided to take it, however they expected to take Sheeba with them since its a cat and the chances to find an apartment that accpet pets or at least a cat would be higher. Their dog Dakota since its a big dog will be difficult to put in a apartment so they give her to an old couple who love dogs and take care of her. Carlos and Giselle suffer a lot to give up her dog, but were hopping to take Sheeba with them. But when they retured from the apartment hunt, they sadly discovered that there was only one apartment they can afford (the market was difficult) and that building didnt allow pets of any kind. So they had to give Sheeba up too. They talked to us to take care of her, and we accepted. They had to give up their two beloved pets, but luckly for them we are in touch and send them pictures and info about how is she doing.
When Sheeba came, considering that she is an 9yrs female cat, she act a scared and stressed by the other 2 males in the house. They had figths for position and eventualy they stablished that they ruled. However Sheeba never give her attitude up. She always act like a lady cat, she is very high temper, gets angry when they come too near her. But now she has soften her attitude and accept them as part of the house, as they accept her as part of the house too. The only problem is that Ranma always chase her to play, this makes Sheeba crazy since she thinks she is chasing her to hurt her... so she puts in defensive mode and growl and hiss, some paws went in the air and that's it. But every time this happens, Big daddy cat Bandido comes to "rescue" his boy and to put in order with the old lady... so Sheeba gets reprend (regaƱada) all along.
Beside that, she is fine, and happy, she is very cute and tender, love to snuggle with me in my neck and to recieve attention. She is a Diva :P
Nick names: Gorda, Viejita, renegona, grumpy cat, Sheebabella, Srta Pelos, Peloslocos
Finally the little one, and latest addition to the family
She just came to our lives a two weeks ago. I recieved one email about 10 homeless kittens rescue from an old lady who couldnt have them. When I saw the picture I couldnt resist. I foward the email to Giova and he felt the same. We were talking about adopting one more and this email just make us decided for one of them. We went that very same day (monday) to see them and choose who will come with us. We contact a girl Angela, who was the one who rescue the kittens, she is an activist for help homeless animals and to help them find a good home. She didnt want to give us the kitten rigth away since she were worried about what kind of people we are. I convinced her to take her from her home to visit my home that very night to see were we lived and to met my other cats and what kind of life they have with us in order to give the kitten. She recluctanly accepted. I was nervous, and she too, she was afraid that we would took the kitten and run away without meeting her. And I was afraid she would never showed up and later she would hunt us down to take away the kitten. But luckly all went ok. We met us, and she were happy to know that the little one will be safe. She gave her to us. We choose a female since we had 2 males and one female, to balance the genders XD. We had a hard time trying to decide wich of them will be the one. And we finally choose Miaka, she was very playfull, but with a little downside, I thougth that she may have some issue with her eyes, since she always seemed to be sad, or with the eyes a little bit closed. But later we knew that its her looks :) she had dreamy eyes :) Now she is a precious kitten, she is still tiny but strong. Bandi and Ranma accepted her quite quickly and Sheeba is ok with her.
Nick names: Bebe, preciosa, chillona, reclamona, and yet to come
Well then, they are the four furballs that live with me and Giova. Hope u like them too.

I've always loved the idea of having a cat, going back in time I don't know why or when I decided to love them instead of dogs. I think maybe I wanted to be original or different from the rest, but I always wanted to have a cat in my life.
Unfortunately my family didn't allowed pets in the house, at least four legged pets. One time I found a little bird (periquito australiano) in my backyard and capture her, I adopted as pet with the remorse of my dad (he doesnt like to see caged animals) She lived with me for a year more or less, and died after going sick with her "maternal instincts" (putting more eggs than she can handle). That was my first pet of my life...
However every cat I saw, everytime I went like crazy :P, dont know why but I loved to see them in books and in movies, dreaming having the chance to have one of them when I got married... and it was :)
After a year of marriage, we were kinda struggling with baby issues, one nigth my sister Sandra calls me and asked me if I still wanted to have a cat. Giova was all his life devoted to dogs, but with the great love for me, he promise me that I could have a cat. I asked him and he agreed. My sister's friend Carlos was the one who found two little kittens in the street and wanted to give them away.
I met him and saw the kittens, they were white and black, skinny, playfull and very tiny. I loved them both, but something inside of me hinted me that they werent meant to be mine. I talked to Giova and asked to have them both, he agreed, and when I tried to contact Carlos again, it was difficult, it where problems. The kittens were in the house of her girlfriend, and now the girlfriend didn't wanted to give them away, he putted so much troubles in giving the cats that I went so heartbroken. Giova forbid me to contact with Carlos again. He said that those cats werent meant to be ours... So I cried, and then I got determined to have my cat for once and for all.
I called Giova and talked to him to look in the vet clinic for some family who had cats with kittens to adopt. He agreed with me and I contact Chabuca, the nurse in the vet clinic. It was friday, I remember it well, when I talked to her with the idea of having a kitten, I asked for for two cats, since the idea of having two was ok for both of us, and I read in the internet about having 2 kittens is best for them to have one. Chabuca told me that it would take her time to find me the kittens, so I waited... but not so much... :) She called me the next day (saturday) and told me she found me one cat and if I wanted to see it, she could waited for me in the afternoon. I was so excited, and think to myself :"no matter how is he, I will take him home". Giova was more careful, he said that if he didnt like the cat, he wont take him home.
That saturday after work we went to see Chabuca at the vet clinic. She showed us a little kitten, a grey one. He was mostly all grey with white chest and belly. When I saw him I said It's mine I take him!, Chabuca give him to me to hold him and he was so nice and cute, he cuddle instantly and that take Giova's heart. It was decided, that kitten would be ours. When it came the name time, Chabuca and Giova said "Tom" as Tom and Jerry cartoon, but I didn't wanted a name of a cat who always lost against mice, so I said Bandido, because his face give him away... and it did.
We take him home, and thats how we began having a cute kitten in home... for me its been almost 3 years having cats and its the best thing it could happend to us, we love them, we take care of them, worry about them, and the best part of all, they loved us too.
I will introduce one of them to you ;) hope u like them :P
Attachment(s): bandido2.jpg