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It's been a while since I write about my four furballs.
A lot happened since that date. We've been adapting to my new little one Miaka, and a few days after her arrival, my dear Sheeba went sick. She stopped eating by herself, and stop drinking water, I realized that she wasn't doing that for attention, after 3 days we went to the vet, ...
I'm going to introduce my four furballs that make my life so happy
He is the first one, the old one, the chief of the house. His comming into our lifes was the best thing for us, he is our prince. He is a big cat, with his 7kg (more or less) he inspire respect and for our friends he is the ''chubby and lazy cat'' of the ...
Hoy en día hay más personas que nunca que están
optando por tener un gato de mascota. Los gatos son animales de compañía
ideales para quienes viven en un departamento en la ciudad, pero pueden vivir
en casas también. En muchos sentidos, el gato es la mascota ideal para la vida
moderna. Es limpio, relativamente tranquilo, ocupa poco espacio, no ...
I've always loved the idea of having a cat, going back in time I don't know why or when I decided to love them instead of dogs. I think maybe I wanted to be original or different from the rest, but I always wanted to have a cat in my life.
Unfortunately my family didn't allowed pets in the house, at least four legged pets. One time I found a ...
Bueno hasta que salga el Diablo3 falta un monton, la verdad tampoco he jugado SC pero luego de ver el demo como q me llama un poquitin la curiosidad a ver si me acostumbro o no. Por lo pronto ya me dijeron q entrene a jugar con teclado XD yo soy full mouse :P ya veremos :D pero de aqui a q salga ufff falta tiempo jejeje
bueno facil ya todos vieron este videito pero bueno ahi se los coloco
Hey Pato!! ese problema tambien lo tienen los parlantes de Giova, justo el mismo modelito :D lo q yo hago (por q al final yo los uso en MI maquina XD) es subirle el volumen y regularlo por windows :D claro q yo no estoy jugando mucho (nada) en la machine asi q solo los uso para escuchar musiquita mientras navego en internet o cuando estudio ;) ...